Kohakutou Japanese Candy

Kohakutou candy, also known as crystal candy or jewel candy, is a traditional Japanese candy that is not only delicious but also visually stunning. This unique candy is made by crystallizing sugar syrup and then cutting it into small, gem-like shapes. The result is a colorful and translucent candy that resembles tiny geodes or precious stones. Here is a step by step guide


  • 12g Agar agar powder (a vegan gelatin substitute made from seaweed)

  • 400ml cool water

  • 685g caster sugar

  • Strawberry flavoring (choose your favorite flavor)

  • Citric acid (adds a tang to counterbalance the sugar)

  • Gel food coloring (optional, for coloring)


  1. Pour cool water into a medium-sized saucepan and sprinkle agar agar powder over the water. Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes to allow the agar agar to absorb the water.

  2. Heat the mixture on the stove over medium heat, stirring constantly with a spatula, until it comes to a simmer.

  3. Let the mixture simmer for 2-3 minutes, still stirring constantly. The agar agar should fully dissolve and the mixture should become slightly thickened.

  4. Sprinkle in sugar and continue cooking for another 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. The sugar should dissolve and the mixture should become thicker.

  5. Remove the saucepan from the heat and stir in flavoring of your choice and citric acid.

  6. Pour the mixture into a heatproof, glass dish that has been lightly oiled. This will prevent the gummies from sticking to the dish.

  7. Add a few drops of liquid food coloring on top of the mixture and use a toothpick to swirl the colors. You can fully blend the colors or leave them streaked for a marbled effect.

  8. Place the dish into the fridge and let it set for 2-3 hours until the gummies are firm to the touch.

  9. Remove the set gummy from the dish and cut into crystal shapes using a sharp knife. You can create various shapes, such as cubes or diamonds, depending on your preference.

  10. At this this stage the jelly is really clear and transparent. You can use the crystals after carving to decorate your cakes and you can add a touch of gold luster dust mixed with a little vodka to paint on the edges of the crystal.

  11. Otherwise place the crystal gummies onto a parchment paper on a baking sheet and let them dry at room temperature for 2-3 days until a hard crust forms on the outside. This will give the gummies a crunchy texture on the outside and a chewy texture on the inside.

Enjoy your homemade crystal gummies!


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